The Super Tourist is a year long competition in which points are awarded for eight different disciplines or elements of cycling. These are – 1 Reliability Rides; 2 Hill Climb; 3 Freewheel Competition; 4 The Treasure Hunt; 5 Club Room Attendance; 6 Superstars; 7 Print Competition (photography); and 8 Digital Competition (photography). There will be three counting events at the Club Room in the autumn (6, 7 and 8) for which trophies are awarded as well as points. The points for these events are 200 for 1 st , 150 for 2 nd , 100 for 3 rd and 50 points for all other entrants. 10 points will be awarded for every Club Room attendance in 2024.

For a Better View of the chart below use a computer or phone in landscape mode (you can also click the top right to open in a new window)

Diary Dates 2024

*Thursday 11 th January Club room opens

*Thursday 21 st March Prize Presentation Evening (tickets from Anne / Caroline)

*Thursday 11 th April AGM club room. 7.45pm prompt.

Thursday 16 th May 2up Time Trial L101. Anne Stott (helpers required please)

Wednesday 12 th June Spoco, Bashall Eaves. Richard John (helpers required please)

*Sunday 7 th July Planned Rides from Grindleton Hall, see website for more details.

*Thursday 3 rd October Club Room Opens

*Sunday 6 th October 50 miles / 50 kms Reliability Rides

*Thursday 7 th November Closing Date for Club Magazine Articles

*Thursday 14 th November Print & Digital entries close - (maximum 10 digital pictures taken in last 12 months)

*Thursday 19 th December Christmas Party & last club night in 2024.

All other events to be confirmed, and will be in the summer leaflet and on the website.

*Denotes events where points will be awarded for the Super Tourist competition. ST Points will be awarded for the club room attendance again.


In 2023, for our Centenary Year, we had a competition to see who could answer the quest questions linked below.  We have now kept the quest open for 2024 and beyond.  Names of those who have correctly answered quest questions can be found in the chart.  We have divided the hundred quests into 9 different areas, so hopefully it will be a bit easier to navigate. We’d prefer it if you could submit a few answers as you go along, so we can produce a progress chart, when you see us at the club room or on club rides, or using the contact details below.  Note:  The quest (for 2024 and beyond) will not count towards supertourist points and instead is purely being kept open for fun

email to or to

Please use the Ordnance Survey grid reference (OS GR) to arrive at the quest. It should be sufficient to get you in the right area. Once there, you’ll need to have a look around to find your answer.  Quest Questions can be found in the link: 

Quest Questions

!!update!!  Unfortunately the info for Q58. CROSTON. OS 108 GR 488 186 

How much did it cost to build the town bridge in 1682? (Go to the village green), has now been removed from the notice board.  We have been informed that the information may be put back up in September (village history event) but no guaranties.